
Pitchwhiz is an online community and marketplace where freelance writers, copy editors, proofreaders, photographers and more can sell their work or their time.

On the site you can find commissioning editors and publications, as well as other organisations that need contributors, search through calls for pitches from editors that are actively soliciting pitches, contact them, monitor and track your communications, keep notes and pitch ideas – all from one place.

You may also want to subscribe to the What Editors Want newsletter, which collects 50 calls for pitches every week. You can use this information to create your pitches on Pitchwhiz, and submit to the commissioning editors. Find the WEW newsletter here:

Website terminology

Requests: These are requests from commissioning editors or other buyers of content for pitches or ideas. Essentially a listing of freelance jobs that you may be interested to pitch for.

Offers: This is where contributor story ideas are listed, for editors and buyers of content to browse. If they see something they like, they can make an offer or contact the contributor for more information.

Directory: This is a searchable database of all members of the Pitchwhiz community.

Blog: This is where Pitchwhiz articles can be found.

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